Friday, March 14, 2014


The more I read and research the powers of D-Limonene, one of the KEY constituents found in citrus oils, the more I'm completely amazed by God's creation.  D-Limonene is a terpene.  All plants produce terpenes. Think of terpenes as the plant's natural defense mechanism.  Arming themselves with terpenes enables the plant to protect itself against insects and environmental stresses.  Without terpenes, plants would easily die.  If plants carried weapons- their weapons against attack would be the mighty T(erpene).  So think about that next time you reach for your citrus oils-  they are very immune-protecting!

D- Limonene has been the center of 1784 PubMed studies.... Our nation's top scientific researchers are completely captured by this key constituent that is found in ALL citrus oils.

Did you know-  researchers studied D-Limonene for more than 6 months.  They found that in those 6 months, patients taking high doses of d-limonene had their cancers (breast and colon) staved off the whole time.  WOW.  But, unfortunately for medical researchers, you can't patent d-limonene because it's naturally occuring in plants.  So...they attempted to extract d-limonene into an alcohol called perillyl alcohol, because then, they could call it a "drug", and patent it (and subsequently make their employers beaucoup money).  What they found was that the d-limonene extract was eliminated too quickly in the urine, so to make up for it, the patients would have to take VERY high doses.  The side effects were too unsightly, and the research project was scrapped...dropped....eliminated.

Here are two full length papers from Purdue University (1999) and University Arizona (2010) who reviewed the anti-breast cancer properties of d-Limonene.  What they found is nothing short of amazing (but really not surprising).  According to these two papers, d-Limonene improves immune response, antioxidant defenses, detoxification, reduced inflammation, better regulation of the cell-cycle, and an induction of DEATH signals in cancer cells.
                                 **Purdue 1999**         ***University of Arizona 2010***

These are certainly things that make me go, "Hmmmm..."  Again, I'm not a doctor or even a medical researcher.  These are just simply a few of the things I've learned about d-Limonene, it's relationship with citrus essential oils, and how they work in the body.  I hope this encourages you to begin researching for yourself.  These are only a FEW of the examples of how awesome this key-constituent of the Young Living citrus oils work.

Happy Oiling, Oily Friends!!

This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only.  The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.  The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare.  Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

FLASH SALE!! Don't miss out friends!!

Why you NEED these two oils:

 Idaho Balsam Fir is an anti-coagulant and anti-inflammatory and is one of the three ingredients used in the popular remedy, "The Morphine Bomb".  According to the EODR, the uses for this oil are: throat/lung/sinus infections, fatigue, arthritis/rheumatism, UTI's, scoliosis/lumbago/sciatica.  Retails for $32.57.  Get it today for $19.80!!

Idaho Blue Spruce is antispasmodic, antiparasitic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hormone like, cortisone like, and an immune stimulant.  According to the EODR, the uses for this oil are: arthritis/rheumatism, fungal infections (Candida), sinus/respiratory infections, sciatica/lumbago.  I have heard some pretty amazing testimonies about Idaho Blue Spruce for helping men balance their hormones, particularly, to treat stubborn migraines! Retails for 32.57.  Get it today for $19.80!!  

To take advantage of this offer from Young Living, log into your virtual office and order TODAY.  If you don't already have a wholesale account, and you would like your own, contact me and I'll be glad to help you set one up or you can go here to set up your own!

OR... I'll be glad to pass on my wholesale discount to YOU!  
Just visit me on FB and send me a PM.  

For more information about the promotion from Young Living, visit their blog!

Happy oiling, oily friends!

This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only.  The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.  The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare.  Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Allergies...BE GONE! With the Allergy Bomb!

I love this time of year.  The sun is shining.  The skies are blue.  The trees are even beginning to bud, promising warmer days to come.  The other day, I even noticed that my daffodils are popping up.

SPRING is near.

Only 8 days until we are officially in spring.  And while that typically brings great joy to the hearts of many, with that joy often comes itching eyes, sneezing noses, and sinuses that just won't let up. When I began my oily loving journey, the "bomb" recipes were every where.  There's a flu bomb, a morphine bomb, an antibiotic bomb, and an allergy bomb.  This is the first I've personally experienced on my own.  I've also seen this work, first hand, on friends and family.  So here goes-

The Allergy Bomb

These oils are the bomb y'all.  This combination for allergies really is the bomb...  My friend from high school has gotten off of his seasonal allergy meds thanks to this regimen.  My eyes aren't itchy anymore when I'm around my kitty cats.  We recently had a friend over who was allergic to cats.  It was their first time coming over.  I forgot to mention that little detail to them- that we had cats...So I diffused the allergy bomb.  He left my house and told his wife how shocked he was that he wasn't having an allergy attack.  Try it.

Why does it work: 

Peppermint: clears your sinuses and is a natural anti-inflammatory
Lemon: promotes lymph drainage, soothes coughs
Lavender: nature's own anti-histamine.

This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only.  The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.  The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare.  Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Medicine Cabinet Makeover: Lemon Oil!

Lemons. . . .Ahhhh. . . .Fresh!!!

Nothing says CLEAN like the smell of a fresh cut lemon.  Great grandma has been using lemons to clean and deodorize with since. . . well. . . FOREVER.  I’ve always admired the old ways of doing things.  Back then things were so simple. . . and FRUGAL. 

Hello.  You got me there…

Living on a single income for a family of 5 in an economy where every day commodities continue to climb, and wages don’t, I have found myself on a search for simpler, more frugal ways of doing things. But I refuse to sacrifice quality and effectiveness for price though.  Enter essential oils.  In a flash- my oils collection has eliminated cleaning products, body care products, and OTC drugs.  Not to mention the space it’s saved. 

WOW. . . the space I now have. . .

Did I mention we’re all healthier because of it?  If my body is a temple and I have been given charge of my children’s bodies, eliminating the harsh chemicals from all of our cleaning products, body care, and OTC meds seems to be a step in the right direction, I recon.  It sits well with my soul. 

One of my favorite oils that I literally use EVERY DAY, multiple times a day, is lemon!  It happens to be one of the oils that comes in the premium starter kit so it was one of the first oils I became acquainted with.  I LOVE lemon water and I was told by some of my oily friends that a drop or two of lemon EO tastes faaaaabuuuulous in a glass of water so I tried it one day.

. . .Throws down the mic. . .

OOOOh man you guys.  It’s good. 

AND did you know that it alkalizes our bodies?  You want your body to be alkaline.  Alkaline = Oxygen.  Cancer cannot thrive in highly oxygenated blood.  It also detoxes your liver, kidneys, and just about every other major organ system because it’s a diuretic.  Some might say, “Hey- that’s just going to make me lose water weight. . .” (YEA!) But when you’re losing water weight and replenishing your body with new water, all of the toxins we are continually exposed to day in and day out thanks to our VERY chemically laden world, get flushed out (literally. . . HA!)  It’s simple physics- we learned it in elementary school- matter cannot be created NOR destroyed.  So once we are exposed to a chemical, it stays in our body until we give it a vehicle to escape. 

There’s lots of other cool things about lemon too.  Did you know that it’s highly antibacterial?  The late Jean Valnet, MD, found in his research that vaporized lemon oil can kill meningococcus bacteria in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli in one hour, staphylococcus aureus in two hours, and pnemococcus bacteria in three hours.  Even a 0.2% solution of lemon oil was shown to kill diphtheria bacteria in 20 minutes.  It’s no wonder that Dr. Valnet relied heavily on this oil to help keep the soldiers he treated during WWII healthy.

Not only is it antibacterial but it’s anti-tumoral as well and seriously immune boosting.  Lemon oil is 59-73% d-limonene.  Limonene actually helps to maintain DNA health at the core. Our nation’s top scientific health researchers are enthralled with d-limonene.  PubMed shows 1784 studies surrounding this phytonutrient.  It’s been proven to be one of the most powerful cell protectant, anti-oxidant, and anti-aging agents in the world.  It actually discourages cell mutation and harmful cell proliferation.  WOW.  Don’t you want some? 

Lemon oil can be used in many ways to improve your health and to eliminate the toxic JUNK from your life. Here are just a few more uses for lemon oil:

*Weight loss
*Cellulite reducer
*Skin rejuvenator
*Acne fighter
*Immune Booster
*Coughs, colds, and Sore throats
*Improves circulation
*Fights depression
*Improves mental accuracy and concentration
*Softens and removes calluses
*Morning sickness/nausea
*Alkalizes your body
*Treats varicose veins
*Improves memory
*High blood pressure
*Homemade cleaning products: bathrooms, kitchen, laundry, etc!

Just today alone, I have
 *drank lemon in my water
 *Used lemon in my OCM solution and moisturizer….Hey- where did my wrinkles go?   

 *rubbed lemon on my sick kiddos throats to help ease their coughs/sore throats and to
   Promote lymph drainage
 *diffused lemon in the house to get me motivated and to help with my kiddo’s coughs.       (PS…no one is coughing anymore….WEIRD….well not really…)

How have YOU used your lemon today?

This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only.  The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.  The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare.  Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Oil Cleansing Method!!

I've always had really dry skin; really dry, sensitive skin.  I've tried a LOT of different skin care lines and unfortunately for me, the only brands that worked for me cost over $100 and were filled with parabens and preservatives.  I hated spending the little money we had (remember, we live on a single income) on anti aging skin care that was probably just poisoning me.  Our skin is our biggest organ and whatever we put on our skin goes straight into our blood stream.  I felt really convicted that if I wouldn't eat it, I shouldn't put it on my skin.  The $100 creams had to GO!

Enter....The Oil Cleansing Method!

It's effective, frugal, and best of all, it's tailored to my specific skin care needs.  It's designer skin care, controlled by *ME* sans all the JUNK. . .


 After all...who want's JUNK on their face?  Gaarooosss.  It's built on the premise that "like dissolves like" and it cleanses without stripping your skin of its natural sebums (natural skin oils).  When we use traditional skin care products with all those suds we just love, we wash our skin's natural sebums right down the drain.  Then our skin has to go into overdrive, creating more oil, which leads to clogged pores, black heads, white heads, and the like.  

So How Do You Do It?

Ingredients: Castor, Carrier oil of your choice (or combination thereof), and essential oils suited to your specific needs.

Appropriate Carrier Oil Choices: 
   *Sensitive Skin: grapeseed, apricot kernel, coconut, or jojoba oil
   *Dry Skin: olive, coconut, avocado, sweet almond, or sunflower
   *Oily: grapeseed, jajoba, or hazelnut oil
   *Acne Prone: jojoba, grapeseed, apricot kernel, sweet almond, or sunflower

Enhance your OCM Solution with essential oils! (Only  use Young Living Essential oils.  Other brand's purity cannot be attested for, therefore, may cause skin sensitivies or allergic reactions!!  Purity is EVERYTHING)
  *For aging skin, use lavender, frankincense, lemongrass, or myrrh
  *For oily skin use melaluca alternifolia, lavender,  lemon,  clary sage, or geranium
  *For sensitive skin use lavender, German chamomile, or Gentle Baby

Mix together in the following ratios: 
  *Dry Skin: 1/3 castor oil, 2/3 carrier oil 
  *Oily/Acne Prone Skin- 2/3 castor oil, 1/3 carrier oil
  *Normal skin: 50:50
Add in the essential oils of your choice and store in a glass container.  

Another reason why I love the OCM so much is because you are basically giving yourself a facial every single day!  With the OCM, you do not need to wash your face twice daily.  Only once!  And you are cleansing, removing your make-up and moisturizing ALL in one step.  So to get started, you're going to run the water as warm as you can stand it.  Wet a wash cloth with the hot water and let soak in the sink basin.  Then take a small amount of your OCM solution and begin massaging it into your skin using circular motions.  After a few minutes, take your steaming hot wash cloth and place it over your entire face.  Let the steam of the wash cloth wash over your face for a few minutes (really like 30 seconds).  Then gently begin wiping away the oil.  Rinse your wash cloth in the very hot water that's still in your sink basin and repeat until you feel like you have completely removed all of the oil.  That's it!  You're done.  If your skin feels dry afterwards, you may add a little bit of your carrier oil or some more of your OCM to your face as a moisturizer.  

*In the beginning- do not mix a large amount of OCM solution.  It will probably take you awhile for to figure out what the best ratios are for *you*.  There is no right or wrong- it's all specific to your skin, no one else's.  *Also, you may experience a bit of an adjustment period.  The castor oil really purges down deep and detoxes your skin.  This is normal and expected, as our skin has endured years of petrochemicals, parabens, and other junk.

*Some people do not need to cleanse daily.  If you experience acne beyond the two week adjustment period, cut back on how often you're cleansing.  

This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only.  The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.  The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare.  Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

A Miracle In a Bottle

Seven months ago my family started using Young Living Essential oils.  A friend from church had some pretty amazing life changing healing take place for her son’s asthma  This boy, whom was severely restricted by his disease, was able to complete his first 5k last Father’s Day.  God is good! They got started using Young Living’s Thieves cleaner because with her son’s asthma, they were unable to clean using your conventional household cleaners because the toxic chemicals and fumes exasperated his symptoms.  Soon, they began using Young Living’s essential oils to treat his asthma and his healing was miraculous.  Hearing their story piqued my interest. 

Prior to trying essential oils, I dabbled in home herbalism.  It didn’t go so well. I love herbs, well the concept of them at least.  I really enjoyed making ointments and salves (and still do) but had a hard time with the delivery method of herbal tinctures, decoctions, and teas.  I found that teas and decoctions were inaccessible, unpalatable, and hard to administer.  Have you ever tried to force feed a quart of agrimony tea to a toddler?  Yea…that didn’t go over so well.  So then we tried garlic lemonade.  One of my friends said her kids actually liked the taste.  NEVER. AGAIN.  My poor children.  I shudder…  Another friend suggested something called “yucky honey”.  LOL.  If your friend hands you a recipe card with the word “yucky” in the title, she’s no friend of yours.  Just in case anyone is wondering, “yucky honey” is 10 drops of GSE in 1 tbs of raw honey.  (For the record, we still endure that one on occasion :: Shudder :: )  We all decided we’d rather be sick or just eat it and go to the doctor for antibiotics than suffer through ANOTHER herbal remedy.

It took me a while to pull the trigger for buying my first kit of essential oils.  I was still traumatized by my failed attempts in becoming a home herbalist.  I wasn't sure my children could endure anymore pain.  But man, am I ever so grateful.  Using Young Living oils literally changed my life.  At the time I purchased my oils, I expected to be able to ease some cold and flu symptoms and replace my wax warmers with chemical free fragrances.  Never did I think that these oils could heal acute ailments.  Never did I think that God would use these oils as a medium to heal me in a miraculous way.

You see, the summer of 2012, unbeknownst to me, I suffered a stress fracture in my right foot in one of the small little sesamoid bones beneath my big toe joint.  I had been hiking, wearing the wrong shoes, and came home from a week long camping trip, in a LOT of pain.  My first thought was that I had just thrown it out of alignment.  I went to my chiropractor and had her adjust it, to no avail.  A few weeks later, I learned I was pregnant. 

It was a bit of a tough pregnancy.  My progesterone levels weren't as high as they should have been and I had some bleeding.  I had had a miscarriage a few months prior and my husband and I had been trying for a baby for more than 6 months at this point.  So when we became pregnant for the second time, life stopped- and the focus was not on the pain in my foot, but in keeping this pregnancy strong and healthy.  I was put on progesterone supplements which made me extremely ill.  Every day was a struggle to function.  I was in survival mode.  All this time, my foot pain was increasingly worse. There were some days I couldn’t walk on it.  But at the time, I just dealt with it.  My growing baby was more important to me. 

(^^^ That's what I felt like lol)

Around the middle of my pregnancy, my husband started nesting.  He decided now was better than later to begin the process to get the house ready to sell. Bless his heart…he decided to bless me….and remodel my kitchen.  If any of you have ever remodeled a kitchen while you’re living in the home, you know.  And for any of you who are thinking about doing it….dont.  I’ll save you the mental anguish.  Just light a match.  He really was trying to bless me and I’m grateful for his heart to please me.  It was just a lot at the time, being pregnant, having toddlers/preschoolers, and being sick.  Did I mention we were planning a homebirth? 

Anyways….with everything going on, I wasn’t taking care of myself and I continued to ignore my growing foot and all the pain that came with it!  My daughter was born and I hobbled about my day as usual and sucked it up.  But by the time my daughter was 3 months old, it occurred to me that this lingering foot pain was anything but normal.  At her well baby exam, I mentioned it to our family doctor.  He sent me to an orthopedic surgeon for xrays. By this time, my foot was twice the size as the other foot and walking was done very carefully and slowly. 

So when I went to the ortho doc, he took xrays of my foot.  When he came into the exam room, he had this smirk on his face, and asked me to tell him what had happened.  So I explained my story- how I’d been hiking a year before and ever since that day, my foot just hurt and swelled for no reason at all.  I mentioned to him that it felt almost like it was broken.  With that, he chuckled and said, “Your foot IS broken”.  He showed me on the xray and sure enough, there was a nice jagged line through my little sesamoid bone.  He explained to me that I was going to need surgery because a break like this doesn’t heal, it dies, and that my bone was surely in the death process at this point and would need to be removed.  He scheduled me for an MRI 6 weeks later to assess the damage, but told me that my surgery would leave me unable to bear any weight on that foot for at least two weeks, with another 6 weeks of recovery and physical therapy.  Did I mention that my dad had had a stroke a few months prior to all of this and that he was living with me full time and that we’d just moved?? (I really had my plate full).  So here I was, 3 months post partum, unpacking a new house, taking care of my recovering dad, being told I had to have surgery.  Talk about a bummer. 

I had remembered somewhere in the recess of my memories that frankincense supposedly could heal a broken bone.  I never EVER thought that it would work.  But, since I had bought myself a kit of oils for my birthday two months prior to my diagnosis, I already had a bottle of frank.  It couldn’t hurt.  So I used frankinsence, valor (nicknamed “chiropractor in a bottle”), and panaway (a EO blend used to help relieve pain) morning, noon, and night in the 6 week interim period between my initial diagnoses and my MRI.  And we prayed.  Oh did we pray. 

Within a few weeks, I noticed that the inflammation went down and then my range of motion returned.  By the time I went in for my MRI, I felt really silly to be there because my pain and inflammation had completely disappeared. 

So I get the MRI and wait the 3 days to hear the results from my doctor.  Finally, the  nurse called and said, “This is crazy, but the MRI shows that you have no break.  I don’t know what you’re doing but keep doing it! 

To this day, I have no pain! (that was 4 months ago)

Since the Lord healed me using that little bottle of frankincense, I am never ceased to be amazed at the healing He can provide using the tools and resources he gave to us in the beginning, back on day three. 

Next up: Medicine Cabinet Makeover Part 1: LEMON!!

This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only.  The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.  The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare.  Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Medicine Cabinet Makeover Introduction

So I have always gravitated towards natural healing and remedies, ever since I fell into this journey to becoming a modern hippy housewife.  I became awoken to God’s way.  This journey to becoming a “crunchy” mom was not birthed out of a fad to go organic.  I didn’t follow suit because my friends were doing it.  It wasn’t because it was trendy.  I felt a genuine conviction from the Holy Spirit.  It was as if he whispered to me, “Follow me.  Really follow me.”  I was challenged to radically follow the Lord in all areas of my life.  One area I had never invited him in was my health and my family’s health.  Natural remedies resonated with me and still do.  The fact that God created plants and trees on day three, before he created humans spoke to me.  And then He went on to tell us that every plant and tree was for us, for food.  Chew on that for awhile.  Every.  Notice he didn’t say some-  he didn’t say avoid these following plants because if you eat them you will die a terrible death like that poor man on that bus in Alaska. (What was that movie?)  So obviously, we’re not supposed to EAT every plant- but God definitely emphasized that every plant and tree was for our benefit. 

So when maintstream western culture told me to throw down my cross and follow my doctor- that he was the way, the truth and the life, when it came to my healthcare, I said. . . “Huh?”  Now, I want to make it very clear: I am not antidoctor. Doctors certainly have their place. When we need to see a doctor, I’m the first one in line.  If my child had a terrible sickness, Lord forbid, I would be thanking Jesus for my doctors and hanging onto their every word.  However, I do think that our culture has made a bit of a habit of relying on what the doctor says about every little aspect of our healthcare instead of looking to the one who created them for the answer.  For most common ailments/sicknesses, they can be handled right here at home, using the gifts God created for us way back on day 3.  Plus, waiting two hours at the doctors office, sick, with kids, is terribly inconvienient, especially when you leave feeling like it was a waste of time because the only answer you’ve gotten is, “It’s just a virus.  It will run its coarse.  There's nothing we can do but wait it out and treat the symptoms.” And you're now out a $40 copay. . .
It’s hogwash. . .there is something we can do to help.  Hi. . . it’s called an immune system!!!  We can support it--ya know, therefore helping our bodies to eradicate said sickness SOONER.  Because let’s be real—aint nobody got time to deal with a lingering cold for weeks only for it to turn into a sinus infection—Hello ANOTHER $40 copay.  This time, you get some antibiotics, which aren’t without consequence.  Lovely.  This yeast infection is fantastic.  But my head doesn’t hurt anymore. . . And now my immune system is even lower because I’ve just finished off the last of my healthy gut flora, which made up 80% of my immune system. . . Remember to wear a head scarf and sunglasses while standing in the feminie hygiene aisle, which is in clear view of the men’s shaving cream, where EVERY. ONE.  in your small town shops. . . awkward. . . 

So what can you do when you come down with an annoying cold, sore throat, etc?  What if you had something more acute?  Can and do natural remedies actually work?  What natural remedies work the best?  And how on earth do I choose what’s right for me? 

First and foremost- knowledge is power.  I urge you to research for yourself what is right for you and your family.  What works for my family may not be the best option for you.  Know that at the end of the day, you are responsible for your healthcare.  *YOU* have to live with the consequences of what drug or natural remedy you choose to take.  And like I tell my kids, sometimes, consequences can be good.  But sometimes….they can be really bad.  Pray.  What is well with your soul?

This is the first post of my series, “Medicine Cabinet Makeover”.  Please check back to learn more of how my family has replaced over the counter drugs with the resources God has given us.

This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only.  The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.  The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare.  Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.