Saturday, March 1, 2014

Medicine Cabinet Makeover Introduction

So I have always gravitated towards natural healing and remedies, ever since I fell into this journey to becoming a modern hippy housewife.  I became awoken to God’s way.  This journey to becoming a “crunchy” mom was not birthed out of a fad to go organic.  I didn’t follow suit because my friends were doing it.  It wasn’t because it was trendy.  I felt a genuine conviction from the Holy Spirit.  It was as if he whispered to me, “Follow me.  Really follow me.”  I was challenged to radically follow the Lord in all areas of my life.  One area I had never invited him in was my health and my family’s health.  Natural remedies resonated with me and still do.  The fact that God created plants and trees on day three, before he created humans spoke to me.  And then He went on to tell us that every plant and tree was for us, for food.  Chew on that for awhile.  Every.  Notice he didn’t say some-  he didn’t say avoid these following plants because if you eat them you will die a terrible death like that poor man on that bus in Alaska. (What was that movie?)  So obviously, we’re not supposed to EAT every plant- but God definitely emphasized that every plant and tree was for our benefit. 

So when maintstream western culture told me to throw down my cross and follow my doctor- that he was the way, the truth and the life, when it came to my healthcare, I said. . . “Huh?”  Now, I want to make it very clear: I am not antidoctor. Doctors certainly have their place. When we need to see a doctor, I’m the first one in line.  If my child had a terrible sickness, Lord forbid, I would be thanking Jesus for my doctors and hanging onto their every word.  However, I do think that our culture has made a bit of a habit of relying on what the doctor says about every little aspect of our healthcare instead of looking to the one who created them for the answer.  For most common ailments/sicknesses, they can be handled right here at home, using the gifts God created for us way back on day 3.  Plus, waiting two hours at the doctors office, sick, with kids, is terribly inconvienient, especially when you leave feeling like it was a waste of time because the only answer you’ve gotten is, “It’s just a virus.  It will run its coarse.  There's nothing we can do but wait it out and treat the symptoms.” And you're now out a $40 copay. . .
It’s hogwash. . .there is something we can do to help.  Hi. . . it’s called an immune system!!!  We can support it--ya know, therefore helping our bodies to eradicate said sickness SOONER.  Because let’s be real—aint nobody got time to deal with a lingering cold for weeks only for it to turn into a sinus infection—Hello ANOTHER $40 copay.  This time, you get some antibiotics, which aren’t without consequence.  Lovely.  This yeast infection is fantastic.  But my head doesn’t hurt anymore. . . And now my immune system is even lower because I’ve just finished off the last of my healthy gut flora, which made up 80% of my immune system. . . Remember to wear a head scarf and sunglasses while standing in the feminie hygiene aisle, which is in clear view of the men’s shaving cream, where EVERY. ONE.  in your small town shops. . . awkward. . . 

So what can you do when you come down with an annoying cold, sore throat, etc?  What if you had something more acute?  Can and do natural remedies actually work?  What natural remedies work the best?  And how on earth do I choose what’s right for me? 

First and foremost- knowledge is power.  I urge you to research for yourself what is right for you and your family.  What works for my family may not be the best option for you.  Know that at the end of the day, you are responsible for your healthcare.  *YOU* have to live with the consequences of what drug or natural remedy you choose to take.  And like I tell my kids, sometimes, consequences can be good.  But sometimes….they can be really bad.  Pray.  What is well with your soul?

This is the first post of my series, “Medicine Cabinet Makeover”.  Please check back to learn more of how my family has replaced over the counter drugs with the resources God has given us.

This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only.  The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.  The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare.  Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.

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