Welcome to Modern Hippy Housewife! I'm so glad you are here!
Five years ago, I became a mother. Up until then I was like any other average American woman- living the dream, working a full time job- ya know...making the big bucks. My husband and I lived a cushy life, never thinking twice about spending a dollar. We wanted. We had. End of story. We ate what tasted good, not what was good and nourishing for us. We never questioned the culture of the every day American life. If our doctor said, "Here- take this pill", we took the pill. We were standard...Every day....Run of the mill...keeping up with the Jones's. That all changed, when we learned- SURPRISE- we were expecting our first.
Pregnancy sparked something inside of me. It woke me. It ignited the fire and begged to ask the question, "Why?".
"WHY?"- that is the single most important question a person can ask.
And so it began-- my journey to becoming a Modern Hippy Housewife.
If you were (or are) once like me, and you dared to ask, "WHY?"- Read on. It is my prayer that this blog will bless you and serve as a beacon of light for your life. And that through your reading, it will ignite your need to drive further, always searching for the "Why" in life so that you may discover a happier, healthier life.
The Modern Hippy Housewife