Monday, May 5, 2014

Mushroom hunting and memory making!

We went mushroom hunting on Friday.  We have a creek that runs across our property that has a nice little treeline running through it.  In the area that I live in, morel mushrooms are a delicacy.  They sell in the grocery stores for $20-$30 a POUND!!!  And they grow naturally in woodsy areas near rivers and creeks.  Our friend, Jerry, came over to help us.  Jerry is really more than a friend to us- we've sort of adopted him.  He's a father figure to Andy and me and a wonderful papa to our girls.  They affectionately call him Papa Ginny. Anyways- Jerry is Andy's best hunting buddy and a well versed outdoorsman.  He was happy to accompany us in our quest to find some tasty little funguses!  

These are NOT morels.  But they were awfully cute little toadstools.  And when my 3  year old saw them (the one in the camo dress and pink tutu)- she was so proud of herself.  I told her although they weren't the mushrooms we were after, they WERE mushrooms the forest fairies lived under.  She's an imaginitive one who dances to the beat of her own drum.  She smiled, laughed, and ran ahead to find something else.  There's nothing like childhood- the magic of it.  #1000gifts. I believe in keeping the magic real as long as possible (providing it doesn't take away from Jesus- you'll hear my thoughts on Santa Claus one day....)

The scouting continued....They were on the hunt- and they were determined.  

Andy rushed on ahead of us.  He was determined.  Jerry said we might not find any.  And he was hell bent on proving him wrong.  He followed his instinct like a hound dog follows his nose!

The ordinary can be stunning.  Sometimes in life, we have to look deeply to see God's beauty.  I love this picture.  It reminds me to look deeply- to seek beauty in the mundane.  #1000gifts

We trekked on.  And wouldn't you know....  My sweet husband ran off and within 10 minutes of us setting out, he found these two little beauties.  

After that, we didn't find anymore.  The girls lost interest and the baby started crying.  She was wrapped on my back- Andy offered to take her down and see if he could calm her.  She always falls asleep with him holding her.  So he spent the rest of the hunt with a sleeping baby in his arms while the girls, Papa Ginny, and I went on a nature walk.  Here are some fun pics from our journey: 

Grace got the special job of carrying our fungus finds!  She always likes to help and it made her happy to have a job :)

Papa Ginny carrying Miss Eva.  

Eva was "fishing" in the creek.

She had her "wedding flowers" (dandelions).  Oh that child.  I told her I'd be overjoyed if she chose dandelions as her wedding flowers one day!

Andy and Grace still looking for more morels.  Hannah's sleeping on daddy's shoulder.

And Eva marches on, much to the beat of her own drum.

And there's my Gracie girl- carrying her Cinderella baby.  She and her sister are stark contrasts- like black and white- though they get along like peanut butter and jelly (most days).  They are best friends.  Grace is coming down to see what little sis has found in the creek.

It's Squirmy!!  Eva found a worm once in the garden.  She named it Squirmy.  Every time she finds a new worm, she believes it's Squirmy, coming to say hello.  She LOVES Squirmy.

After awhile, we told her it was time to send Squirmy home to be with his family.  She dropped him in the creek.  Then quickly fished him out.  She said, "I forgot to kiss him!"  (Oh dear....and YES I absolutely did let her kiss him.  I remained silent....wondering if she's actually kiss this poor worm...)

She loves all of God's creatures.... (gross...)  This folks- is what childhood is supposed to be like.  Jesus you are kind to me- that I may watch my children enjoy your creation.

Goodbye squirmy!  See you next time :)

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