The more I read and research the powers of D-Limonene, one of the KEY constituents found in citrus oils, the more I'm completely amazed by God's creation. D-Limonene is a terpene. All plants produce terpenes. Think of terpenes as the plant's natural defense mechanism. Arming themselves with terpenes enables the plant to protect itself against insects and environmental stresses. Without terpenes, plants would easily die. If plants carried weapons- their weapons against attack would be the mighty T(erpene). So think about that next time you reach for your citrus oils- they are very immune-protecting!
D- Limonene has been the center of 1784 PubMed studies.... Our nation's top scientific researchers are completely captured by this key constituent that is found in ALL citrus oils.
Did you know- researchers studied D-Limonene for more than 6 months. They found that in those 6 months, patients taking high doses of d-limonene had their cancers (breast and colon) staved off the whole time. WOW. But, unfortunately for medical researchers, you can't patent d-limonene because it's naturally occuring in plants. So...they attempted to extract d-limonene into an alcohol called perillyl alcohol, because then, they could call it a "drug", and patent it (and subsequently make their employers beaucoup money). What they found was that the d-limonene extract was eliminated too quickly in the urine, so to make up for it, the patients would have to take VERY high doses. The side effects were too unsightly, and the research project was scrapped...dropped....eliminated.
Here are two full length papers from Purdue University (1999) and University Arizona (2010) who reviewed the anti-breast cancer properties of d-Limonene. What they found is nothing short of amazing (but really not surprising). According to these two papers, d-Limonene improves immune response, antioxidant defenses, detoxification, reduced inflammation, better regulation of the cell-cycle, and an induction of DEATH signals in cancer cells.
These are certainly things that make me go, "Hmmmm..." Again, I'm not a doctor or even a medical researcher. These are just simply a few of the things I've learned about d-Limonene, it's relationship with citrus essential oils, and how they work in the body. I hope this encourages you to begin researching for yourself. These are only a FEW of the examples of how awesome this key-constituent of the Young Living citrus oils work.
Happy Oiling, Oily Friends!!
This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only. The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented. The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare. Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.
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