Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Medicine Cabinet Makeover: Lemon Oil!

Lemons. . . .Ahhhh. . . .Fresh!!!

Nothing says CLEAN like the smell of a fresh cut lemon.  Great grandma has been using lemons to clean and deodorize with since. . . well. . . FOREVER.  I’ve always admired the old ways of doing things.  Back then things were so simple. . . and FRUGAL. 

Hello.  You got me there…

Living on a single income for a family of 5 in an economy where every day commodities continue to climb, and wages don’t, I have found myself on a search for simpler, more frugal ways of doing things. But I refuse to sacrifice quality and effectiveness for price though.  Enter essential oils.  In a flash- my oils collection has eliminated cleaning products, body care products, and OTC drugs.  Not to mention the space it’s saved. 

WOW. . . the space I now have. . .

Did I mention we’re all healthier because of it?  If my body is a temple and I have been given charge of my children’s bodies, eliminating the harsh chemicals from all of our cleaning products, body care, and OTC meds seems to be a step in the right direction, I recon.  It sits well with my soul. 

One of my favorite oils that I literally use EVERY DAY, multiple times a day, is lemon!  It happens to be one of the oils that comes in the premium starter kit so it was one of the first oils I became acquainted with.  I LOVE lemon water and I was told by some of my oily friends that a drop or two of lemon EO tastes faaaaabuuuulous in a glass of water so I tried it one day.

. . .Throws down the mic. . .

OOOOh man you guys.  It’s good. 

AND did you know that it alkalizes our bodies?  You want your body to be alkaline.  Alkaline = Oxygen.  Cancer cannot thrive in highly oxygenated blood.  It also detoxes your liver, kidneys, and just about every other major organ system because it’s a diuretic.  Some might say, “Hey- that’s just going to make me lose water weight. . .” (YEA!) But when you’re losing water weight and replenishing your body with new water, all of the toxins we are continually exposed to day in and day out thanks to our VERY chemically laden world, get flushed out (literally. . . HA!)  It’s simple physics- we learned it in elementary school- matter cannot be created NOR destroyed.  So once we are exposed to a chemical, it stays in our body until we give it a vehicle to escape. 

There’s lots of other cool things about lemon too.  Did you know that it’s highly antibacterial?  The late Jean Valnet, MD, found in his research that vaporized lemon oil can kill meningococcus bacteria in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli in one hour, staphylococcus aureus in two hours, and pnemococcus bacteria in three hours.  Even a 0.2% solution of lemon oil was shown to kill diphtheria bacteria in 20 minutes.  It’s no wonder that Dr. Valnet relied heavily on this oil to help keep the soldiers he treated during WWII healthy.

Not only is it antibacterial but it’s anti-tumoral as well and seriously immune boosting.  Lemon oil is 59-73% d-limonene.  Limonene actually helps to maintain DNA health at the core. Our nation’s top scientific health researchers are enthralled with d-limonene.  PubMed shows 1784 studies surrounding this phytonutrient.  It’s been proven to be one of the most powerful cell protectant, anti-oxidant, and anti-aging agents in the world.  It actually discourages cell mutation and harmful cell proliferation.  WOW.  Don’t you want some? 

Lemon oil can be used in many ways to improve your health and to eliminate the toxic JUNK from your life. Here are just a few more uses for lemon oil:

*Weight loss
*Cellulite reducer
*Skin rejuvenator
*Acne fighter
*Immune Booster
*Coughs, colds, and Sore throats
*Improves circulation
*Fights depression
*Improves mental accuracy and concentration
*Softens and removes calluses
*Morning sickness/nausea
*Alkalizes your body
*Treats varicose veins
*Improves memory
*High blood pressure
*Homemade cleaning products: bathrooms, kitchen, laundry, etc!

Just today alone, I have
 *drank lemon in my water
 *Used lemon in my OCM solution and moisturizer….Hey- where did my wrinkles go?   

 *rubbed lemon on my sick kiddos throats to help ease their coughs/sore throats and to
   Promote lymph drainage
 *diffused lemon in the house to get me motivated and to help with my kiddo’s coughs.       (PS…no one is coughing anymore….WEIRD….well not really…)

How have YOU used your lemon today?

This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only.  The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented.  The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare.  Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.

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