I've always had really dry skin; really dry, sensitive skin. I've tried a LOT of different skin care lines and unfortunately for me, the only brands that worked for me cost over $100 and were filled with parabens and preservatives. I hated spending the little money we had (remember, we live on a single income) on anti aging skin care that was probably just poisoning me. Our skin is our biggest organ and whatever we put on our skin goes straight into our blood stream. I felt really convicted that if I wouldn't eat it, I shouldn't put it on my skin. The $100 creams had to GO!
Enter....The Oil
Cleansing Method!
It's effective, frugal, and best of all,
it's tailored to my specific skin care needs. It's designer skin care,
controlled by *ME* sans all the JUNK. . .
After all...who want's JUNK
on their face? Gaarooosss. It's built on the premise that
"like dissolves like" and it cleanses without stripping your skin of
its natural sebums (natural skin oils). When we use traditional skin care
products with all those suds we just love, we wash our skin's natural sebums
right down the drain. Then our skin has to go into overdrive, creating
more oil, which leads to clogged pores, black heads, white heads, and the like.
So How Do You Do It?
Ingredients: Castor, Carrier oil of your choice (or
combination thereof), and essential oils suited to your specific needs.
Appropriate Carrier Oil Choices:
*Sensitive Skin: grapeseed,
apricot kernel, coconut, or jojoba oil
*Dry Skin: olive, coconut,
avocado, sweet almond, or sunflower
*Oily: grapeseed, jajoba, or
hazelnut oil
*Acne Prone: jojoba, grapeseed,
apricot kernel, sweet almond, or sunflower
Enhance your OCM Solution with essential
oils! (Only use
Young Living Essential oils. Other brand's purity cannot be attested for,
therefore, may cause skin sensitivies or allergic reactions!! Purity is
*For aging skin, use lavender,
frankincense, lemongrass, or myrrh
*For oily skin use melaluca
alternifolia, lavender, lemon, clary sage, or geranium
*For sensitive skin use lavender, German
chamomile, or Gentle Baby
Mix together in the following
*Dry Skin: 1/3 castor oil, 2/3
carrier oil
*Oily/Acne Prone Skin- 2/3 castor
oil, 1/3 carrier oil
*Normal skin: 50:50
Add in the essential oils of your choice
and store in a glass container.
Another reason why I love the OCM so much
is because you are basically giving yourself a facial every single day!
With the OCM, you do not need to wash your face twice daily. Only
once! And you are cleansing, removing your make-up and moisturizing ALL in
one step. So to get started, you're going to run the water as warm as you
can stand it. Wet a wash cloth with the hot water and let soak in the
sink basin. Then take a small amount of your OCM solution and begin
massaging it into your skin using circular motions. After a few minutes,
take your steaming hot wash cloth and place it over your entire face. Let
the steam of the wash cloth wash over your face for a few minutes (really like
30 seconds). Then gently begin wiping away the oil. Rinse your wash
cloth in the very hot water that's still in your sink basin and repeat until
you feel like you have completely removed all of the oil. That's it!
You're done. If your skin feels dry afterwards, you may add a
little bit of your carrier oil or some more of your OCM to your face as a
*In the beginning- do not mix a large
amount of OCM solution. It will probably take you awhile for to figure
out what the best ratios are for *you*. There is no right or wrong- it's
all specific to your skin, no one else's. *Also, you may experience a bit
of an adjustment period. The castor oil really purges down deep and
detoxes your skin. This is normal and expected, as our skin has endured
years of petrochemicals, parabens, and other junk.
*Some people do not need to cleanse daily.
If you experience acne beyond the two week adjustment period, cut back on
how often you're cleansing.
This blog reflects the author's personal opinions and is meant for informational and educational purposes only. The content held herein should not be used as a substitute for personal medical advice. The reader should consult his or her healthcare provider for specific information concerning specific medical conditions. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that all information presented is accurate, as research and development in the medical field is ongoing, it is possible that new findings may supersede some data presented. The reader is responsible for his or her own research and healthcare. Please see the disclaimer tab for more information.
Awesome post! Thank you!!!